What is a BOC-3 & Who Needs It?
BOC-3 stands for Blanket of Coverage. The FMCSA requires any carrier who operates across state lines to designate a process agent in every state they operate in that can accept service of process on your company’s behalf. The BOC-3 form is the form that designates those process agents per state.
A process agent is a representative upon whom court papers may be served in any proceeding brought against a motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder. The job of the process agent is to accept service of process on your company’s behalf and forward it to you.
All carriers who are required to file an MC Number are required to also have a BOC-3 filing. This typically means any carrier engaged in interstate commerce. BOC-3 filings never expire or need renewed, however some BOC-3 filing companies charge an annual fee for keeping your BOC-3 on file. A new filing is only required if there is a company name change.