What is the 2290 Fee?
The fee you pay for the 2290 depends on the GVW of the registered vehicles that are required to file. At the legal maximum of 80,000 lbs. GVW, the fee for a 2290 is $550 a year. The fee is paid per qualifying truck. Fees will be lower for logging trucks and trucks with a lower GVW. We have created a convenient <a href="https://www.authorityexpressllc.com/helpful-information/form-2290-taxable-gross-weight-table">2290 fee table</a> that will tell you your exact 2290 fee based on your GVW and weight class.
The fee for the 2290 is prorated, meaning that in addition to being based on GVW, it is also based on the month the vehicle was first used on the roads. However, no matter when you apply for a 2290, it is due to be renewed each July, as July is the start of the IRS’ fiscal year.
The IRS will not accept credit or debit card payments for the 2290 fees, they will only accept payment from a checking account. The IRS assesses penalties for late filings and failed payments.